Hi everyone!
I’m really busy right now, just for a change.
The primary things I’m working on are:
The Empowered Primer, which is going really well! We’ve got some new art happening and the majority is written. I’m really looking forward to giving you guys the chance to play this game – more a campaign than the taster session we did before. I’ve not decided yet whether I’m going to use the same cast of characters. Whether I do or not, I’ll be going back to before the session you might have played with us at MCM.
Marked For Death. I just finished a brand new design for this game’s character sheet. I’m hoping I can show you guys that soon! We’re just figuring out the last few bits and pieces.
Era: The Consortium – The Secret War; it’s coming along great, we already have a few pieces of artwork for it… but you’ll have to wait a short while to see them! They (and the expansion in general) are designed to fit in with the current Rulebook: the same colour coding, Parts and Sections according to those in the Rulebook… I hope it’ll feel like home!
Well, I have a million things to do, so I’d better get back to them!
– Ed