Hi everyone! Today, we're doing the third and final post about what's coming this year, exploring what's coming from Shades of Vengeance in terms of RPGs, Card Games, Novels and more! What games... more
Hey everyone! This week we have a special #GamemasterMonday with not only a GM, but the creator of the Era Universe - Ed! Ed's love for tabletop gaming can be traced back to his youth. When he... more
Hi everyone! We've been more productive than ever over here and I wanted to give you a quick idea of what's going on! First and most importantly, we have Penumbra's first main storyline comic... more
Hi everyone! I'm going to keep it short this week. Last week, I was not able to join you because I have just moved house from my home of 5 years and that was pretty exhausting! Even so, creation... more
Hi everyone! I'm going to keep my update a bit shorter this week, as I'm a little short of time. I'm sure most of you are aware already that Era: Forbidden has been released on Kickstarter this... more
Hi everyone! We've been working hard over the last couple of weeks to finish off Era: Forbidden's Core Rulebook Kickstarter and putting the content together! I'm so proud of what this game has... more