Kickstarter Approaching Deadline! – The Oracle

This is your 5 day warning: Marked for Death is coming down in less than a week! Don’t panic, there are plenty of great rewards still available like digital and physical rulebooks, extra sessions and an opportunity to feature your very own character on the website as a sample. Besides rewards we’ve also got Stretch Goals that we’re coming really close to achieving. There’s still time to unlock some of those fabulous extras so get in, get on it, and get playing!

Our newest image for this game features an assassin with water skills. How do you keep out someone who can slide in through the drain pipes?!

Water Form

Once the Kickstarter is complete we will be carrying Marked for Death along to conventions, so if you see us at one, don’t be shy, ask to take a look at this brand new game!

As long as I’m talking about conventions, I want to remind everyone that we’re going to be at MCM Comicon this October 23-25 in London. I know you’ve probably already got your tickets booked, reserved your couchsurfing flat, and organized someone to look after the cat. If you haven’t, I will now pause for you to do so…

Alright, I’m back. I hope you’re coming to see us because we’re bringing along an unprecedented number of folks which will allow us to run 3 games simultaneously! We’ve got a pile of GM’s ready to be put to work and a fistful of game options. We’re bringing two different sessions of Era: The Consortium, Era: Lyres, Era: The Empowered, and we’ll run a few sessions of Order of the Link and Marked for Death if there’s demand. Got those tickets yet?

Before I leave you today, I’d like to hand out a little more information about our newest Era game. I mentioned a few week ago that this will be our first survival horror game and we can’t wait to get our hands dirty… figuratively speaking, that is.

This game includes not just the normal things you expect from an Era game, but will also have a Karma system, combined with cards, where you’ll have different abilities for Good, Bad and Neutral actions. Sometimes it will pay to be bad but are the rewards worth the costs? I’ll keep you updated with this and all our other new games as the weeks go on.

See you next time!


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