The timer is counting down, folks. We’ve got just 2 weeks before the Marked for Death Kickstarter comes to a close. It’s been a good run so far and we’d like to thank everyone who’s taken the time to check it out. If you’re still on the fence and wondering what a magical assassin game would look like, I have something just for you.
This weekend Sanchit will be posting a live stream of his playing session for everyone to get a few more details, get the feel of the game and really take an inside look. You can check it out here when the time comes. However, if you can’t possibly wait that long then you can check out the playtest video. There is a part 1 and part 2 so be sure to catch them both.
After weeks of development I can’t believe we’re getting so close to having a finished book! For each of our games It takes hours upon hours of hair pulling to figure out the perfect balance between player freedom and GM guidance. There’s artwork to be created, writing to be done and many many playtests before a game can be considered ready for general play. Once it’s all put together and you’ve got the finished product in your hands that’s the end of the journey, right? Not quite.
When I told you that we’re trying like mad to conquer the world by setting up our games in every shop we can get our happy little hands on I was being totally honest with you. Having an amazing rulebook is crucial but our challenge now is to spread the word.
To that end, Ed has enlisted the help of two more brilliant folks who will be working with us to get these games into shops. It’s going to be an all-out marketing bonanza and I’ll be keeping you up to date with names and locations as they come around. I’m all set to bring cookies and baked goods if we need to do some bribing. We can be very persuasive when we want to be!
If you’d like to help us out just walk in to your local comic shop, book store or gaming supply depot and let them know that you love the Era games and you’d like to see them on the shelf. It’s that easy!
I’ll see you next week with more news!