A Year to Celebrate – The Oracle

This is it folks, we’re looking at the end of 2016. Grab a glass of your favorite beverage and help me toast to a job well done, new friends, and an amazing team of creators.

It’s truly impressive to think back on all that we’ve done. I know I’ve learned a lot this past year and had a chance to try a few new things. Personally, I had a blast creating my first ever comic and I hope to get another chance again soon.

Last Friday, Ed gave us a detailed list of comics, games, Kickstarters, and conventions we had done through the year and I was surprised that we’d accomplished so much! It took hard work and I’m sure plenty of sleepless nights for Ed but we ended up with an amazing year. A great deal of our success we owe to you, the fans who keep pushing us to make new and better games. Thank you for supporting us in this crazy adventure!

So, before I leave you for the year I’ve got to know… which game will you be playing through the midnight celebrations on December 31st?

Era: Survival – Do you fancy a dark and terrifying new year where you’ll be tested on your ability to combat horrifying Infected with cruel efficiency?

Era: Lyres – Are you the kind of person who wants to ring in the next year with a laugh while trying to fool everyone into thinking you’re a massive hero?

Era: Silence – Do you want something completely new and unique, like nothing you’ve ever played before? Be prepared for some wild hand signals and body language because in-character conversation is off limits.

Era: The Consortium – Are you in the mood to bring a little intrigue, action, betrayal, and conspiracy to your new year? This game has it all and you have over 500 years of events to choose from. And did I mention there are time travel sessions?

I’m not sure which one your favorite will be but there’s plenty to choose from. For me, I think I’ll be ringing in the New Year with some laughs.

As our final send off for the year, I’m working on a Consortium flash fiction piece. You can expect to read that on Saturday. That will mark the end of our news posts for 2016 and we’ll meet you right back here in 2017!

Until next time!