Digital Primers have Arrived! – The Oracle

Are you checking your email?

Digital Primers have now been sent out to all our Kickstarter backers who will receive one. If you’re someone who should be getting one and it hasn’t showed up yet; first check that it didn’t get caught up in your spam filter and if it’s still not there then please shoot us a message.

So now that the newest version of the Primer has been sent out this means that the v1.0 Primer will now be offered in place of the old v0.8 in our store. To get the skinny on the difference between the two check out our special “Rules v0.8 to v1.0” page, which explains in detail – it’s not a bit difference.

Physical Primers have been ordered and we’re hoping to have them in stock shortly. I’ll let you know when they are going to be shipped out to backers. Our friends in the U.S. will need to wait a bit longer as we’re still being held up with the U.S. version of the proof. However, once that comes back we’re ready to start printing those as well. Here’s a quick look at the finished product for the non U.S. versions.

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Along with the Primers, all the Kickstarter backers who chose this reward should expect the Time Travel Campaign sessions pack. This should have arrived at the same time as your Digital Primer and contain 5 sessions. For all you Physical Primer folks, we’ll send it out at the same time that we mail your Physical Primers. Anyone who didn’t get on board with the Kickstarter can still pick these up in our store.

My last bit of news before I leave you is for our second comic; Counting Down From One. We’ve entered the inking stage where it’s taking shape and we expect to have the first pages in hand by the time this post goes out. I won’t have an image for you just yet but stick around and I’ll get one out just as fast as I can.

Now get out there and enjoy your weekend!


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