The Consortium Universe Is Coming To You! – The Oracle

Digital Primers are ready!

We’re pushing this forward just as fast as we can. Copies of the Digital Primer will start going out the week of January 19th for all you fantastic folks who backed us in the Kickstarter and chose this reward. Be sure to look for it in your inbox and double check that it didn’t get lost in spam filter purgatory. If you’re sad because all your friends got one and you didn’t, you can grab one from our store.

The proofs from our printed Primer will be coming in shortly and I’ll pass along photos of them just as soon as I get them.

Aside from all that exciting news about the primers I’ve got one last thing for you this week. Do you remember last week when I promised you a look at our new comic artist? Well I always keep my promises; unless I forget. So here it is; Johan Mandanin’s penciled work for Counting Down From One. He’s going to be a great compliment to all the other amazing artists that we’ve had work within the Consortium universe.

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I can’t wait to see more!


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