Big announcement today! I was just told by Ed that he’s officially decided to create at least one expansion to The Consortium universe. Ring the bells, shout it from the rooftops, wake the neighbors and dance with your cat. Here’s what I know so far…
The Secret War is set right after the events of the rulebook end, sometime in 447CE. There will be new stories that are going to feature some of the characters you know from the rulebook as well as a few brand new faces. I can’t tell you what will happen in this Consortium future but you can probably expect to be fighting with some new weapons, equipment, implants and perhaps even get to ride around in a new vehicle. It’s like Christmas came early!
Along with the new stories we’re also going to work up at least a few new playable sessions. This expansion, which focuses on a group of special operatives, will be written and created by the original team who worked on the first Consortium rulebook. So you know what that means right? Amazing art, stories that pull you into the game and a completely expansive time-line to get you hooked.
I can’t tell you much more than that right now but I will tell you we’ve got more plans in the works for further expansion content so keep watching here for more news.
In rulebook updates; I’m delighted to tell you that so many people loved Era: The Consortium we’ve run out of paperback rulebooks! Ed has already put in another order so we can have them on-hand at our next convention. Never fear, we will try to keep a number of them handy should anyone want a copy.
Our hardcover edition has seen a lot of love as well and we’re completely sold out, even before the shipment arrives to Ed! He’s not completely opposed to another hardcover print run if we get enough interest. So I encourage…no, I implore you, to join me in letting him know there are more folks who would love to get a hardcover edition. You can send us a message through the website or Facebook and if enough of us make some noise we might just be able to convince him!
Last item for today; a big congratulations go out to everyone who backed and worked on Counting Down From One. All of the rewards have been fulfilled and sent out. Another successful Kickstarter! Thanks so much to the fans and the followers who helped to push our indie comic ahead. We couldn’t have made it without you. For those that didn’t get a chance at the Kickstarter I want to let you know that we’re looking into printing the comic. We plan to have a bit of stock on-hand and for sale at the next conventions we go to. All great news!
Until next time!
– The Oracle