Era: The Consortium Update – The Oracle

As you can see from this week’s featured image, we’re still moving ahead with the completion of our Consortium miniatures project. This is really where we’re putting all our focus for the moment along with getting out the second wave of Expansions to our backers. This process will be taking up most of our energy for some time, still.

So, while we have a large number of ideas for our next set of expansions we’re not going to be putting anything out just yet. This means that news in the Consortium universe is going to get a little quiet for a while here.

However, that doesn’t mean we’re slowing down! If anything, we’re even busier than ever. Between Era: The Empowered, Era: The Chosen and more games coming very soon we’ll be picking up the slack on news and details with all these new projects.

If you’re a hardcore Consortium fan you may not be following along with our other projects. No worries, you can catch up on both our super powered universe in Era: The Empowered and our spine-tingling horror universe in Era: The Chosen by joining the Facebook groups for those games. Give them a look here and see what you might have missed!

That’s all I have for you today.

Starting next week, Ed will be taking over news posts while I have a bit of a holiday.

Until next time!