Lyres Pocket Coming your way! – The Oracle

Now that The Secret War Kickstarter has ended, and achieved nearly 300% funding, I’ve got more good news coming your way!

Era: Lyres is headed out to Kickstarter tomorrow! Back by popular demand, this fun and unique take on the typical rpg format is going through a bit of an overhaul. In addition to micro-sizing this version in a carry-it-with-you essential copy, we’re also including some great Stretch Goals. The Lyres website has already added Locations and Bestiary pages with more content to be added in those categories as Stretch Goals are realized. Frankly, we’re bursting with creepy creatures and interesting locations that we’d love to share with you!

So, are you ready for the best part? Ed has decided to make this latest Lyres version available at a price of only £1 for the Digital full color version. Yeah, you heard me… less than a mug of your favorite brew or a spin in the laundromat. We want to make Lyres available to anyone who loves fantasy, rpg, and having a laugh. You can’t go wrong trying it out.

Before I leave you today I want to thank everyone who came out to AnimeCon this past weekend and took the time to visit with us. It turned out to be a fabulous event. There was such a rush that Ed ran out of all the copies he brought of Era: the Consortium rulebook! A great time was had by all and the team got to meet loads of fabulous new people. So, hello to all our news friends! Make yourself at home.

See you next time!


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