MCM and a Website Makeover – The Oracle

MCM Comicon London (May 22nd – 24th) is getting closer! We can’t wait to get in and run some sessions with everyone. You are coming aren’t you? There will be games to play and you’ll have a chance to sit down with the Era games’ creator, Ed Jowett, as well as a few of the Alpha playtesters who helped to shape the games. I’ll let you in on what you can expect to see when you stop by our event table. Remember, some of the things we’re going to bring will only be available at the convention.

 -Games to Play-
Era: The Consortium – The Last Stand of Stilleto Unit session
Era: The Consortium – Counting Down From One session
Era: Superhero Chronicles (We’ve had Ed work up a teaser session, specially for MCM!)
Order of the Link
Amazing Space Adventures

-Comics to Buy-
Last Stand of Stilleto Unit – Physical Version (only obtainable from conventions!)

-Games to Buy-
Era: The Consortium Primer and (for the first time!) Full Rulebook
Era: Lyres  (It might be tight but we’re really hoping to bring this game!)
Order of the Link
Amazing Space Adventures

We’ve got plenty of things to keep you busy and we know you’re going to have a great time!

In other news; I mentioned we’re going to have a bit of a website makeover. Well, in between developing games, writing backstory, marketing, fulfilling rewards and saving kittens from tall trees, Ed is also going to be personally revamping our website. He will put his extensive programming experience to work in order to spruce up and give the site a different look. The changes will be coming slowly as he makes time for it so keep an eye out.

I’ll let you go today with a couple of Kickstarter announcements. First, Counting Down From One has finished its Kickstarter and is fully funded. We thank you, thank you, thank you for all your support! It was wonderful working on the comic and we really hope you enjoy reading it. Second, the Era: Lyres Kickstarter is still ongoing with just under one month remaining. I encourage you to check it out because we’ve got some great rewards going on and the rulebook edition printed for that won’t be available once it’s over. Spread the word and feel free to shout us a question or let us know what you’d like to see. That’s it for me!

Until next time!

– A

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