Now that Lyres is completely funded thanks to the support of all you fabulous people – have we told you that you look smashing today? – it’s time to focus our energy on achieving some of these Stretch Goals. We’re getting close to our first!
Travis Hill is on the alert and ready to start his contribution to the book should we get that far. We’re really pleased with how everything is going and we’ve still got nearly a month to go! The best thing you can do if you’d like to see Lyres reach a little further is just talk about it. Pass along the Kickstarter to friends, family and even that gorgeous store clerk you’ve been meaning to ask out. Seriously, there’s no better ice breaker than, “Would you like to play a hilarious game?”
Before I leave you today I want to share with you a little bit of light reading. You can check out Lyres on the website Table Top Gaming News where they wrote a really nice article about us. You can also stop by the GMShoe website where there is a lovely transcript of the Q&A that Ed and I took part in for RPGNet. Thanks again to Dan and everyone who took the time to check in, ask questions and get to know us. As always if there are questions you have that haven’t been answered please drop us a line!
Until next time!
– A