The Kickstarter has Arrived! – The Oracle

Show of hands, who’s excited about getting their mitts on a copy of Era: Survival? You’re in good company. I’ve seen the haunting artwork, learned some of what this terrifying world is all about and can’t wait to see it all put together.

Every time we run a kickstarter event, Ed works tirelessly to create a unique set of rewards that reflect the best options for that particular game. He takes into consideration comments from new backers as well as those who’ve been with us since the beginning. So here’s the big question, “What new and fantastic rewards has Ed cooked up for us this time?”

We have…

– Core rulebooks that come in digital, paperback or hardcover editions
– Players guides to cut down on clumsy, across-the-table rulebook sharing
– Unique Shades of Vengeance memory cards
– Game cards in either digital, shrink wrapped or specialized tin versions
– Players guide book bundles
– Bonus campaigns
– Character artwork from the artist of the game

There is so much available for this event, I know I haven’t covered it all. The Stretch Goals are set up to give you an extra campaign as well as extra books for two new factions. This is our second full-length rulebook and there’s loads of content to keep you playing for a good long time! The team has done an amazing job on this game and I know you’re going to love it. Stop by and check it out!

One last thing before I let you go today, be sure to start planning for the UK Games Expo June 3rd-5th. We’ll be there and Ed’s going to bring along copies of the Era: Lyres Pocket Edition along with all our other great games!

I’ll see you next time!


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