Loads of things are on the move for Lyres this week!
First of all, the order for a soft cover proof has gone out on our UK edition, with the hardcover to follow shortly, and should be arriving with Ed very soon. Getting excited yet? It won’t be long now. Once he gets his hands on it I hope to get a few photos for everyone to admire. There will be some looking over and hopefully approval will follow shortly after.
The US version layout is being finished up and the first physical proof will be wending its way out for final approval by none other than yours truly! I’m all goose bumpy and geeked out at the opportunity to look over the proof. I promise I will do my utmost to make sure it looks great.
We’re also coming down to the end of our digital rewards. The last 2 pages of the comic are being colored and John is ready and raring to move on to lettering. Those folks who are expecting the digital comic will be seeing something just as soon as we can finish it up.
Last and certainly not least, I was given a glimpse at the Traveller’s Guide to Yarnolth last week. The book is looking great. Ed’s got every major area listed in the Guide with some great accompanying information. Right now we’re working on adding some flare to it before we call the book finished. I really think you’re going to like it!
That’s it for me. More news and hopefully pictures of the proof next time!