Artwork for Champion of Earth – The Oracle

Today begins a week of art for Shades of Vengeance. It’s been awhile since we gave you some delicious images to snack on, so Ed’s taken pity on us and handed out a whole crate full!

Perhaps you’ll remember Champion of Earth? It’s one of our upcoming games and is certainly getting a lot of attention right now. This card game is still in early stages of development but the cards themselves are coming through the art department and they’re looking gorgeous!

I have a selection to show you today, each one a bit more interesting than the last. Let’s introduce you to a few of our characters…

Action Hero Character
Army Man Character
Rogue Character
Scientist Character

Of course, our characters don’t always look so smart and clean cut. These guys will be seeing some action and taking some damage which is when you’re going to see them look more like this…

Action Hero Character
Army Man Character
Rogue Character
Scientist Character

We also have a few card backs that I’ve been allowed to show you. The artwork for this game is incredible and it just keeps coming!

Creature Card Back
Alien Card Back
Undead Card Back

So there you have it, plenty of new images to get you thinking about how this game is going to be played and what exactly that creature with yellow eyes just might be. If you have a guess I’d love to hear it. I’m not sure but I think its eyes follow me when I try to shut the laptop…

Back in a few days with more art and more news!

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