Consortium Miniatures Collection Is Growing – The Oracle

Today’s featured miniature is Stiletto Unit sniper, Alex Gyter. This hot-headed member of the team is pictured with his two favorite pastimes; a deadly long-range rifle and a bottle of liquor. Gyter may enjoy a few too many drinks now and again but when it comes to defending Stiletto Unit he always comes through.

Gyter is joining our growing number of figures from the Stiletto Unit team and from the art we’ve been given so far I think he looks just about perfect. He’s going to make a great addition to the entire collection!

Over the next few weeks I’ll be featuring each of the Stiletto Unit miniatures as their prototype’s artwork is available. In case you’ve forgotten, you can check out exactly who is a part of Stiletto and what they’ve done to make themselves infamous in their Consortium comic…

That’s all I have for today. Remember that you can come see us next weekend at MCM Comicon in London. We’ll be ready to answer questions, play games, and generally have a great time. We’d love to see you!