Details on the Definitive Edition Rulebook – The Oracle

As promised, I’m going to spend all of today delving into Era: The Consortium’s Definitive Edition Rulebook. Folks, this is so much more than a few extra stories!

Ed started with the idea that he wanted to include content that we had to cut from the initial rulebook due to a strict page count, Plus the Secret War and Fifth Race expansions. From there, things have been escalating and instead of the intended 100 extra pages we’ve gone over that and right now we’re at 120 extra pages… and we’ve removed the expansions, so that’s all new content!

This means we’re looking at a book right now of 420 pages. It’s also going to look great sitting next to the rest of your Era collection as this one is available only as an A4 sized hardcover with excellent print quality. This is the “deluxe” version you’ve been waiting for.

This book is a comprehensive guide and will include a deeper look into the history of the Consortium. When we developed the first rulebook, there were gaps in the timeline where nothing seems to be happening, that was never Ed’s full intention. So, he’s gone over all his old notes and picked back up many of the things that had to be trimmed out.

These are just a few of the historical points we’ll be adding;

  • Details about the early years of the Consortium after Captain Rogers was overthrown
  • The story of Amyena and those Eulutians who had a difficult time integrating with the Consortium after First Contact
  • The events which caused the founding of the SAR division of Smertios Security
  • More information about technological developments, such as the Mark 2 Stealth Suit

The Definitive Edition will also cover some more of the planet backgrounds, including information about the regions of space around the gas giants shown on the system map, and an expansion of the material around Robor, Ankou and Rosmerta. There will also be extra equipment and vehicles.

One of the great features of this book is a longer GM section. This part of the book will contain more information about the core idea of Era: The Consortium, the ability to play any sub-genre of Sci-FI. It will also include various sub-genre examples, the time period and types of scenarios which could be used! Loads of great advice to get you off and running in no time.

Well, that’s all the detail I can share with you today. However, Ed has given me leave to show you one new image from this Definitive Edition. We’re giving you a glimpse, through the eyes of an invisible intruder, into the main offices of Hayden Bank!

Haydenbank office lowres2

See you next time!