Hi everyone!
We’ve managed to reach our 300% Stretch Goal! It’s absolutely amazing we’ve made it this far, and I’m proud to be sending this to so many fans of the game!

Pull out your laser pistols and get ready, because here’s the reward:

One of the things that has generated the most interest amongst those we have spoken to about the game is the possibility of Time Travel within the Consortium universe, changing history and seeing the results.
We’ve explored this with our Patreon campaign, and we’re now giving the first 5 sessions of this campaign to everyone with a Rulebook or Primer – 4 extra for the Primer buyers (as they already get one), and 5 new sessions for those with a Rulebook. They include 5 playable characters, so you don’t need anything more than the Primer to play (though the rulebook will let you re-roll the characters if you want to!).
Thank you all for following us this far, and we’re hoping we might push to one final stretch goal in the last few days!
The next will be an expansion of the mobile application which will allow you to track combat and mark off health by retrieving stored characters you have created – we’re very excited about that one!
– Ed