Era: The Empowered Development Update 4 – Gearing Up!

Hi everyone!

Here I am with another update.

Today, I’m going to talk Equipment – we’ve been working through it over the last few days and it’s looking fantastic! Here are a few samples:

plasma cannon-websafe KNIFE DART 2 Copy-websafe medium armour Copy

As always, we have a nice selection of equipment, alongside the Empowered Abilities, which you can use as well or instead of your powers.

In terms of progress through the book, Proofreading is ongoing through the story (it’s a big job!), and I’m now working on the last of the location descriptions.

Yes, that does mean that I have now finished all 45 of the Power Trees! What superpower do you want to see? Let me know and I’ll drop the completed Power Tree in the Facebook group!

See you next week…

– Ed