Welcome to the first-ever expansion Kickstarter for Era: Survival. In just 24 hours we’ve already reached over 66% support, that’s a fantastic start! I know that Ed’s introduced you to a bit of what you can expect with this Kickstarter but today I want to throw a few extra details at you.
Much like our Era: The Consortium Expansions, the initial reward for this Kickstarter comes with 3 expansion books and each Stretch Goal will offer an extra. The first three books will include;
- The Swarm; giving you the ability to join this group, command a squad, and take part as one of the most feared groups on Gaia.
- Infected Manual; where you will meet brand-new Infected with various specialized mutations, further developing your encounters.
- Tales of the Outlands; introducing you to what’s happening outside the civilized areas of Gaia, it’s unexpected rewards and increased dangers.
Once we reach fully funded status we’ll be looking at the addition of other books such as; Foundation Campaign Part 1, Aqua, Foundation Campaign Part 2, and Diaries of a Madman: A guide to Fallout. Ed has so much planned for these books and we’re really trying to push to get you as many as possible.
So, you’ve decided that you want in. That’s great! Depending on what your interests are, Ed has developed a level of reward to suit just about everyone which includes:
- The Rulebook Primer at only £1
- All digital expansions (the first three as well as any additionally earned through Stretch Goals) at just £10
- The Definitive Edition, which will include more backgrounds, more character options and even more Infected!
- A variety of digital, paperback, and hardcover options for everyone from casual player to hardcore collector.
As we’ve done in the past, Ed is making available as an Add-On all of the other Era games. If you enjoy Survival and the Era d10 system, then this is a great opportunity to try out The Consortium, Lyres, The Empowered, or Silence. We have a fantastic collection of great games.
To get started, just hop over to our Kickstarter page and start picking out rewards! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/shadesofvengeance/era-survival-expansions
Remember that you’ll have a chance to play Survival if you come visit us at MCM Comicon in London as well as at UKGE. We’d love a chance to show you around this terrifying game!
That’s it for me. You go check out Survival’s Kickstarter and we’ll meet back here on Saturday!