I’m pleased to announce that another one of our creator inspired games is available on DriveThru RPG. Marked for Death is now on the shelf and ready to be played! You can also check out our previous games while you’re shopping for that perfect holiday gift. Both Amazing Space Adventures and Order of the Link, as well as a few pieces of Era: The Consortium, are available. Stop in to check them out and we’ll be busy back here making more games!
Ed is working hard to help all our developers progress through their vision. Right now, Frontier is making some good headway, the rules are being developed and improvements are being made to the armour system. I’m looking forward to seeing what they’ve created when they’re ready to show us something.
Along with the games we already have in process, Ed informed me a few days ago that he’s been approached by several more creators with ideas for new games. 2016 is shaping up to be another busy year!
More news next week!