Happy GM Day! – The Oracle

It’s GM Day!

It’s a great idea to celebrate those fantastic Game Masters and the folks who work so hard to bring these adventures to life for us all to enjoy and occasionally be tormented with. So, in honor of this special day, Ed has declared that there will be equally special discounts happening this weekend!

DriveThruRPG will have all of the Era titles that are on its website available at a discount for the entire day of Saturday. Check them out for classic Consortium items as well as the Lyres rulebook and the Last Stand of Stilleto Unit Bundle. We’re also having a special through our own website where you can find two very comprehensive bundles for all your advanced Consortium needs!


Bundle 1- The Complete Bundle:
Era: The Consortium Core Rulebook
Time Travel Campaign Part 1
The Secret War
The Fifth Race
A New Dawn
The Last Stand of Stiletto Unit Comic
Counting Down From One Comic

You can find the Complete Bundle here.


Bundle 2- The Expansions-only Bundle:
Time Travel Campaign Part 1
The Secret War
The Fifth Race
A New Dawn
The Last Stand of Stiletto Unit
Counting Down From One

This collection is intended for anyone who wanted to get in on the Expansion Kickstarter but didn’t get a chance. It includes everything from the Complete Bundle, minus the core rulebook.
You can find the Expansion Bundle here


Get it for yourself or get it for a friend, this is a great collection with everything that you’ll need to keep playing for a long… long time.

While we’re here I can tell you that the remaining Expansion books are finishing up. Time Travel Campaign 2 was just sent out to backers this week, with TTC 3 not far behind. Ed hopes to have that one to you within the next couple of days!

Things are moving fast and the team is working hard to bring together these great games for you. Take some time to check out our specials this weekend and be sure to say something nice to your GM!

See you again next time!