Comics Coming!

Hi everyone!

As Amy said in her last post, I (Ed) am taking over for a month, while she has a bit of a holiday!

I’m going to talk to you about three amazing comics today…

Firstly, there’s the Bug War. Some of you may remember the Bug War 2 Kickstarter, which ran at the end of last year: it told the story of Liam, a James Bond-type hero who infiltrated a Ximian hive and, unfortunately, got captured, even though the information was returned!

Well, there’s more to his story and we’re going to be telling it on Kickstarter before long, so watch this space for that to appear! There will also be a chance to get hold of the previous Bug War comics, so don’t worry about catching up on the story, either…

Secondly, there’s Lobo! This comic has already been pencilled and inked, and the first few colours are coming in. I think you’ll love this story of non-Empowered in a world of people with abilities. He still chooses to stand against crime in an inspiring and unstoppable way.

You can expect to see Lobo on Kickstarter relatively soon, so keep an eye out. Oh, and I used an image from that as the featured image today! The pencils and inks are by Pramit Santra and the colours are by Bryan Arfel Magnaye.

Finally for today, I’m going to talk about Fauna. This comic is probably the most anticipated of the three, but it’s also the one with the most work still to do! The first 3 pages have been pencilled and inked by the incomparable Kellik, and they are looking fantastic!

This story is about a shapeshifter who can take the form of several different animals. Those of you who have played Era: The Empowered with us at conventions may know him through his alternate universe personality of “Shifter”. He’s going to have to protect his community from themselves in this comic, when he comes across a powerful mind controller!

Well, that’s it from me today – three awesome comics! If you want to know more, keep an eye out right here for when they are released and available… it won’t be long!

You can expect more on this in the weeks and months ahead, but in the meantime look out tomorrow for some information on Era: The Chosen, and on Monday for the second of our Stiletto 447CE Podcasts.

– Ed