Tag Archives: Kickstarter

What are we delivering this year? Part 1: EraScapes (Audio)

Hi everyone! I thought I’d take a moment to give a quick glimpse of what’s coming in the rest of this year! We have so much planned that I’m splitting it into three parts. Today, we are looking at the audio projects coming out of our EraScapes division in the near future!

The first thing to say is that A Titan’s Rise Part 2 has been funded. We’re just waiting for our editor to recover from COVID and deliver the version with credits to deliver. Even better news: ATR (as we call it) not one of the things I am counting as “coming”!

The summer heat has delayed a few of our Kickstarters, but we plan to get them to you soon…

Radio Free Taranis Season 2 (Audio Drama, 6 Episodes)

Radio Free Taranis Season 2 Audio Drama Title Image
Midnight Terry returns to the airwaves in season 2 of our first Audio Drama!

The second season of our first ever audio drama is complete, edited and will be heading to Kickstarter soon. This exciting second season features more of Terry’s sister faith, played by the amazing Jennifer Hale. And, of course, Midnight Terry has some personal decisions to make now that she has reappeared. With Smertios Security closing in on his secret location, will he decide to continue broadcasting?

Get a few episodes from the first season for free here: https://www.shadesofvengeance.com/product/radio-free-taranis-free-broadcast/

Violete: Unstoppable (Audio Drama, 1 Episode)

Violete Unstoppable Audio Drama Title Image
Coming soon: An Audio Drama version of our fan-favourite issue 1 to date!

Violete: Unstoppable has been turned into an audio drama, as Lacuna: Revelation and Blue-Shift Frenemies were. It’s ready to go, and we’ll be bringing it to you on Kickstarter as well, after the summer. I’d like to take a moment to thank all involved, but particularly Adam Dergiman for his amazing performance as Rampage and Jade Melhuish for her tenacity as Violete!

A Podcast about being Creative!

I’ve been talking about creating for almost a decade now, visiting conventions around the world. I pride myself on having advised many people on how to approach the significant challenges that exist when approaching a project, especially for the first time. My long-time co-panelist Leo Cosh convinced me that I need to be recording this advice for the benefit of everyone!

As a result, we’ve recorded a podcast, which has just finished editing, called “Trades of Vengeance”. This podcast aims to talk people through my creative process, the rules I follow and the ways I deal with upsets like “Someone else did my idea” or “I don’t know which project to start with!”. If you can’t make those conventions we attend, this should give you everything you need!

As you can see, we’ve been working hard on Audio, and we intend to continue doing so! Join me next week for Part 2 of this series of posts, to find out what else we have planned…

– Ed

A Titan’s Rise Season 2 on Kickstarter now!

Hi everyone!

We just launched a brand new Kickstarter for EraScapes: A Titan’s Rise Season 2! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/erascapes/a-titans-rise-season-2?ref=2q2x0s

This is the culmination of almost 4 years of work, through adversity, the fall of governments, the pandemic and more, so we’re very happy to present this second chapter in the story of Elliot Draigon.

But it’s more than that…!

A Titan’s Rise Season 2 also goes beyond everything we have explored in the Consortium so far, pushing into the end of 452CE and hinting at what’s coming next in the universe’s epic story. You’ll hear what’s coming here first, as well as starting to get some hints about how all of the disparate events in the Consortium fit together!

For anyone who already knows the Audio Drama, there are options to just get hold of Season 2, but a remastered version of Season 1 with additional music has also been created for your enjoyment by the amazing Michael Herrman who took over the editing of Season 2!

I hope you’ll join us in making this dream, and the next step of the Consortium’s story, a reality.

– Ed