Hi everyone!
We’re in the last week of EraMo, and the community has produced a massive amount of work!
I’ve spent most of my time split between Era: Survival expansions (now there’s only one left to finish writing!) and writing sessions for the various games each day.
Between the group contibuting, we have written over 130,000 words, more than 40 sessions for gameplay in the era universe, an entire RPG that will gain artwork and be released as soon as we can, 3 comics, online, automated character sheets and even work on a bot that will help us administer our online game sessions on Discord (join us there: https://discord.gg/A6Hx8bAMpf )!
When I think that this idea started with me wanting to do something “like NaNoWriMo, but I usually write short stories”, I’m extremely proud that so many others feel like they would like to contribute. Of course, I’m hoping it will get even bigger next year, but I think for now, I can just thank everyone who has been working on it, encourage them to finish the week in the way they have worked until now, and focus on my work to make sure I don’t fall behind!
Please don’t forget to check Patreon for the best of the sessions I have written this month! https://www.patreon.com/SoV
And don’t forget to check out our latest Audio Drama Infiltration: The Bug War #2 on Kickstarter now (don’t worry, you can still get #1 if you missed it!): https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/erascapes/infiltration-bug-war-2-audio?ref=5pafkr
Thanks for reading and have a fantastic day!
– Ed